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📚 behind-the-scenes of my second multiple-six-figure book deal

People often ask me how long it took me to write my second book, She Builds.

My literary agent shopped my book proposal to publishers in November 2020. On December 1, 2020, I got a multiple-six-figure book deal with Harper Business. 

She Builds was released on November 15, 2022. 

So, from book deal to published, it took about 2 years. This doesn’t count the many years I spent clarifying the book I wanted to write. 

Publishing a book from concept to completion incorporates so many of my highest values… doing work that I love that also challenges me, tapping into my creativity, and collaborating with others. ⁠

I used index cards, sticky notes, Sharpies, sketchbooks, and Google Docs. I also had to re-learn Microsoft Word because editors at publishing houses use it to track changes. ⁠

My biggest lesson in writing two traditionally published books over the years is that writing is NOT a solo sport. Even though only the authors' names are on the book cover, what it takes to fill those pages takes many people behind the scenes. 

I worked with Azul Terronez as my book coach during the early dreaming stages. We had deep conversations that included many tears and mind maps to get my ideas out. ⁠

Writing retreats with friends (Jen Kem and Nikki Elledge Brown) and solo getaways helped me turn off the distractions from home life. When I got stuck and felt emotional blocks, I’d have pep talks with my life coach Rebecca McLoughlin. ⁠

To stay connected to who this book was for, I collected images of my dream clients as my ideal readers (shout-out to Meri Cherry, who also gifted me a little stuffed bunny that served as my writing mascot and silent companion). ⁠

I made many trips to FedEx for each round of manuscript revisions, packed with comments, questions, and Post-it notes. ⁠

Throughout my writing journey, I made writing a sensory ritual. I lit candles, curated a writing playlist, poured green juice in wine glasses, and wrote down my start times for focused Pomodoros. 🍅⏱️ ⁠

I also fully embraced my commitment to craft with AJ Harper, author of Write a Must-Read (which is a must-read if you want to write a transformational book). Some of my stories in She Builds were also written during my writing classes with New York Times Bestselling Author Jennifer Lauck.

The evolution of the book cover was a wild journey. The first round of covers that I saw, I wanted to cry. 😭 But I’m so happy with the final version I advocated for. ⁠

Have you written a book or want to write one soon? I’d love to hear about it! Also, feel free to ask any questions you might have about the book-writing process. I’d be happy to share in a future post.

Also, have you read She Builds? If you have but haven’t left a review yet, it would mean the world to me if you took 5 minutes to leave an honest review. 🙏🏽

Here is the link to review on Amazon:

And you can also copy and paste to leave a review on Audible and goodreads.

People are more likely to buy a book with 100+ reviews, and I only need 22 more to reach 100!

Thank you, thank you for helping me reach that goal!

Warm hugs,

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