You deserve to

love your life


Writing a book that changes you first

Happy Wednesday!

I’ve finally put my heart project at the top of my business priorities this year…

Writing my next book.

This is an opportunity to tell my story while I help more women make decisions with their hearts, follow their dreams, and support their families while sustaining themselves.

In order to create space for this book (this is helpful for you in whatever you’re wanting to create space for too):

  • I had to say no to more clients (I have a waitlist and I’m not taking on any new clients until May of this year, so I can get my book proposal in)
  • I had to tell my team that this was a priority project and pull them into helping me move this project forward
  • I hired a book coach, so I made sure I put my time and money towards what I want to grow. I have a weekly standing date on my calendar every Wednesday to make sure that it happens.

Where I’ve been a little lost is trying to find my BIG, best-selling book idea.

My marketing, money making brain wants to optimize, strategize, monetize.

But when I come back to my heart, I know this book is not about hitting best seller, this book is about healing myself and honoring my journey. And if people are changed by my own transformation, the idea will spread.

What if you didn’t have to find a big idea, but a small idea?

If you’re looking to share your message through Ted talks and writing books, then episode 145 of the Lead with Love podcast is for you.

In today’s conversation, I get cozy with my friend and personal book coach, Azul Terronez, host of the Born to Write podcast.

Writing a Book that Changes You First

I think this movement has helped me understand that it’s a part of me, and sometimes the movement for me is in my ideas.


Azul helps authors and entrepreneurs write and publish books so they can reach more people, grow their brand, and share their message in an authentic way. In our conversation he shares how he delivered a TEDx talk that reached over 1 million views and how he became Pat Flynn’s book coach for the book Will It Fly, which became a Wall Street Journal Bestseller.

Originally from California, Azul’s love for travel and discovery led him to purge most of his possessions and create a location independent lifestyle and business with his husband.

What you'll hear (and don't want to miss!):

  • How to cultivate authentic relationships and mentors in business and life that open up doors to new possibilities
  • His counter-intuitive process to growing his Tedx talk to over 1 million views
  • Simple tips, habits and strategies to write your book (not just talk about writing a book) in 30 days or less
  • Why the mental game of writing a book is so critical to master

FIND full show notes here:

Check out the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music (or wherever you listen to podcasts). As you’re listening, take a screenshot, share your favorite takeaway and tag me on Instagram and Facebook with #leadwithlovepodcast.

Warm hugs,

P.S. I've got some awesome news for those of you looking to add some simple green smoothies into your new year…

The Simple Green Smoothies e-book is available for $1.99 (such a sweet deal!) for a limited time through all U.S. and Canadian retailers. All you have to do is visit your favorite online retailer and snag your copy before January 27th!

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