You deserve to

love your life


take care of this first and you will grow your business

I believe we are being called to do business in a different way. To slow down, to listen, and to trust the wisdom of our bodies.

Oftentimes as we’re building businesses at such a fast pace, we create these self-imposed deadlines, and create a lot of forcing, pushing, and hustling to exhaustion.

What if burnout was not an option? What if you did more tending to YOU?

In order to build a sustainable business, we have to sustain ourselves first. We can’t pour from an empty cup.

It's really easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing to achieve success. You start to think the only way to make the impact you want to make is to work harder and longer than anyone else. #NotTrue

Working until you're exhausted where you have nothing left to give is NOT how you get ahead and make a difference.

In my conversation on the Lead with Love podcast, we talk about how working on your body will improve and affect every other area of your life.

Have you ever found yourself staying so busy that you don’t even know what you want or what you really need? This Lead with Love episode is about trusting the wisdom of your body and giving yourself full permission to slow down in our fast paced world.

I get cozy with movement teacher and embodiment coach Jonathan Mead.

How to Trust the Wisdom of Your Body

For me, when I slow down I'm actually more in relationship with myself.


Jonathan quit his office job at age 23 to help people uncover their true offer to the world. He’s passionate about helping people reclaim their naturally strong, capable, resilient bodies, so they can play freely without fear of breaking and show up strongly for the communities they love.

Believing that people need more connection to their bodies, to nature, and to each other, he loves seeing the ways people transform when they reconnect to their true selves.

His deepest mission is to instigate a movement of humans reconnecting with their true nature, and rebuilding their naturally strong bodies.

What you'll hear (and don't want to miss!):

  • The judgments and stories Jonathan was telling himself and the only way he could free himself from them
  • What appeared as indicators that told Jonathan he needed to make another change to pursue his passions
  • Why he originally had fears around monetizing his passion and how he overcame them to support others around movement and embodiment
  • What his ideal client looks like and how he helps them in a much different way than others in his field
  • Where to start in building your foundation and why this is so critical to your overall health and success
  • The parallels that exist between our bodies and our businesses

FIND full show notes here:

Check out the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music (or wherever you listen to podcasts). As you’re listening, take a screenshot, share your favorite takeaway and tag me on Instagram and Facebook with #leadwithlovepodcast.

Warm hugs,

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