Lead with Love® Podcast

Creativity. Business. Life.

How to balance growth and sustainability with Jadah Sellner

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In today’s solo episode, I want to talk about how you can build a business with intention and not just rebuild what you just left.

Maybe you’ve exited a toxic company culture that was not a fit and you started your own company to lead a team in a new, inspiring way.

Or maybe you’re like me and your body of work is evolving into something new. You’ve had a heart whisper calling you to the next chapter of your journey.

Or maybe you run your own business, but it feels like it’s running you, and you know something has to change to reach that next level of growth. Because you are so over the overwhelm of overworking.

I help high impact women grow their businesses in a sustainable way that does not compromise their health, relationships, and sanity.

What I’ve noticed with my own clients is they struggle with three things.

1. Clarity. Identifying the direction they’re moving in and what next steps to take to make it happen.

2. Overwhelm. Doing all the things all the time without asking for help.

3. Isolation. Feeling disconnected from themselves, their vision and a community on the same path.

“I love helping high-impact women grow their businesses in a sustainable way that does not compromise their health, their relationships and their sanity.”


What you'll hear (and don't want to miss!)

  • A trap we can all get caught in when it comes to running our businesses [1:49]
  • The ABC’s of love that everyone is looking for [4:20]
  • You really have clarity, even if you think you don’t…[5:19]
  • What the first step to balancing growth is [7:14]
  • Action steps you can take now to figuring out what it is you really want [8:54]
  • Why working harder and longer isn’t the answer – and what to do instead [14:39]
  • The 3 A’s for clarity – are you doing them? [15:44]
  • What communicating stronger boundaries can do for your life and business [17:09]

Resources + links mentioned:

» How to Overcome Your Addiction to Achievement with Julie Santiago

» Now Page

» Connect with Jadah on Facebook and Instagram

» Love Over Metrics

Key Quotes:

  • “I love helping high-impact women grow their businesses in a sustainable way that does not compromise their health, their relationships and their sanity.” [2:32]
  • “When we get really clear on what we want, our minds can play tricks on us and our fears make us question if we really want the thing that we just got really clear is what we want.” [5:09]
  • “The truth is you know what you want, you know what the next steps to take are, and you just might be afraid to go after that.” [7:08]
  • “Embrace slow growth. Take the time to step away from your day-to-day and think about what you really want to build.” [8:27]
  • “Your business doesn’t need to change. You need to change how you show up and do your work.” [10:43]
  • “It’s one part business, one part life, all parts love.” [16:51]
  • “Fear can come along for the ride, but love is in the driver’s seat.” [19:49]

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