You deserve to

love your life


I’m launching my podcast next month, eeeek!

I’m feeling all the feels when it comes to putting myself out there.

This is what my brain sounds like:

You’re going to love having a podcast.

No, it’s going to feel too restricting.

Your community will feel more connected to you.

But there are already a million podcasts like yours.

Well, I do love talking.

But I don’t know what to talk about.

Will people listen? Will people like it? Will I like doing it?

What should I name it?

Should I make it a Facebook Livestream and then strip the audio?

No, just keep it simple.

Should I use my Yeti mic or get the top of the line mic?

Record in Zoom or Skype?

Just get started with what you have and figure out the rest later.

No, it’s too late to start –– everybody and their mama has a podcast now.

Does this ever happen to you? All the doubts, fears and questions swimming in your head that hold you back from moving forward on your ideas.

You’re not alone.

Even as a traditionally published author, TEDx speaker, and business mentor, I still freak out about my own ideas and business decisions. All. The. Time.

So I need your help pretty please. I’m putting together episode ideas for my podcast (starting Feb. 14!), and I would LOVE to know what YOU would like to hear.

What's a conversation or a topic you'd love for me to dive into on this podcast?

Answer this one quick question over here.

I’m scared, excited and ALL THE THINGS, so your feedback means the world to me. ❤

Warm hugs,

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