You deserve to

love your life


😭  OMG! Got my first 1-star review

c 😭

Of course it stings.

You’d rather people follow the “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.” 🤪

But people are entitled to their opinions.

I’m celebrating that I choose to play in the arena where I know putting my creative work into the world will be criticized.

But I also know that my book is helping people, too.

I had to read some glowing reviews to balance things out which I share on this Instagram post. 🌟

The same reviewer gave a 1-star review to Playing Big, one of my favorite books that my clients love too.

In Playing Big, Tara Mohr talks about receiving criticism and feedback from others.

She says the feedback doesn’t tell you any facts about you; it tells you something about the perspective of the person giving the feedback.

Tara invites us to reframe the feedback as information about them. What does this tell you about their priorities or preferences?

If you've read She Builds and loved it, would you please share the love and leave me a review

I’d be so thankful. 🙏🏽 🥹

Warm hugs,

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