Lead with Love® Podcast

Creativity. Business. Life.

How to Grow a Community of Superfans with Pat Flynn

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Do you want to grow an engaged community for your business? The type of community who is the first to buy every single product you create. If you want to learn the action steps that you can take to start attracting and nurturing your Superfans right now, then this episode is for you.

In this episode, I get cozy with my friend and mentor, Pat Flynn.

Pat is a father, husband, entrepreneur and host of the Smart Passive Income and AskPat podcasts, which have earned a combined total of over 50 million downloads and features in publications such as The New York Times and Forbes. I’ve been a guest on Smart Passive Income twice talking about how I grew our Simple Green Smoothies’ email list from zero to 200,000 subscribers in one year, and also how I made a pivot to exit my business partnership to follow my calling. Links to those episodes below.

Pat is also a keynote speaker, advisor for companies like LeadPages and ConvertKit, and a Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Will It Fly, Let Go, and I’m super excited about his newest book, Superfans.

Pat was on a previous Lead with Love episode. As I mentioned in my previous conversation with Pat, I first discovered Smart Passive Income in 2011 when I was learning about building a business online. He inspired me to take action and finally write my first e-book, so I could turn a heart project into a cash project. My path to building a business online and selling e-books, created over a million dollars in sales in two years.

It’s wild to think that just eight years ago, Pat was just a guy online sharing information that I found valuable, to now being a friend, a coach, and someone I speak on the same stages with around the world.

The goal is to become somebody or some market's favorite.


What you'll hear (and don't want to miss!)

  • What Pat’s first annual Flynncon was all about and how he’s feeling about it now that it’s over [6:22]
  • How his event showed him that families can be in business together, and grow closer in the process [8:46]
  • The way that Pat has pivoted throughout his entrepreneurial journey and has transitioned his business successfully multiple times [12:46]
  • The fears and hesitations that he faced when moving into the podcast training space [19:37]
  • Why Pat says that your Superfans will want to learn from YOU [23:01]
  • What the book writing process for his latest book looked like, including the challenges he faced [26:13]
  • How Pat involved his Superfans in the book writing process and what he did to make them an important piece of his marketing strategy [33:11]
  • Action steps that you can take to start attracting and nurturing your Superfans right now [34:57]
  • What Pat is now making a big stand for! [47:16]

Resources + links mentioned:

» Superfans

» Smart Passive Income

» Ask Pat

» Connect with Pat on Instagram and Facebook and YouTube!

» SPI: How Simple Green Smoothies Used “Challenges” to Grow from 0 to 200k Subscribers in a Year

» SPI: Building a Personal Brand (Because It’s Your Calling) with Jadah Sellner

» Power-Up Podcasting

» Instagram Post – Pat's son speaking on stage

» Serve First and the Money will Follow with Pat Flynn

» Will It Fly by Pat Flynn

» Will It Fly trailer

» Let Go by Pat Flynn

» That’s What She Said by Joanne Lipman

» Coach Azul

» National Novel Writing Month

» New Type Publishing

» How I Met Prince and Justin Timberlake with Jadah Sellner

» Ramit Sethi

» Get Rich Slowly – J.D Roth

» Lego Ideas

» 5 Step Challenge Roadmap

» Leadpages

Key Quotes:

  • “The goal is to become somebody or some market’s favorite. Everything is so much easier when you position it that way.” [12:53]
  • “There are some people, especially my Superfans, who want to learn from me and only me, and I had to realize that.” [20:29]
  • “Yes SEO is important, traffic is important, plus conversion rates and all the fun things that we marketers pay attention to. They’re numbers and they’re fun and exciting, but what’s cool is that if you build your business for your Superfans, all those numbers are going to increase anyway.” [25:15]
  • “The book writing process became a lot easier when I challenged myself to get it done within a certain amount of time, and then I had people holding me accountable to it.” [32:53]
  • “Businesses, or anybody trying to build a following of any kind, you might have the best solutions in the world. You might care about your audience so much, but unless you’re using the right lyrics, you’re not going to resonate with your audience.” [36:32]

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