She Builds Collective

for Creative CEOs & Founders

who want to scale (without burning out)


Something we both know...

Hustle culture isn’t working.

If you’ve ever had too many things to do and not enough time to do them,

lost focus of your priorities and questioned your lack of motivation or drive,

believed that if you slowed down, your business would fail, and the

life you have worked so hard to create would crumble . . .

You're Not Alone

  • You’re done following toxic male leadership models that keep you on a hamster wheel.
  • You’re done believing that you’re doing it wrong, not doing enough, not growing fast enough.
  • You’re done listening to men telling you what to do with your money, business, and body.

You build differently. You build with love.

The system is broken… not you.

You realize that the old way of building, growing, and scaling no longer works for you.

If you’re feeling flat in your biz

It makes sense. The pandemic took a lot out of you. Even though you’re still standing, you’re tired AF.

You want to increase your profits without it costing your whole life or throwing away everything you’ve built.

You know you need to be rested and lit up about what you’re creating. But you’re juggling so much in your day-to-day right now.

You have big decisions to make. But there’s a heaviness in thinking about what to do next (which is costing you money by the way).

Hustling isn’t it. Laying down your ambition isn’t it, either. You’re afraid you’ll lose it all and scarcity thinking is holding you back.


What you need is space to get away, reset, and recenter, so you have a clear plan for the next 6 months.


That’s why I created

She Builds Collective

It’s a holistic support system for Creative CEOs and founders who want to scale their businesses without hustling and burning out.

You're Not Hiding, You're Healing

If you’re reading this page, you’ve felt a quiet whisper of intuition telling you to do something different. But unsure of how to do it differently.

You’ve processed the grief of how hard the last 3 years have been. Now you’re ready to expand what’s possible for your life. You’re starting to feel excited again. The ideas are flowing.


Hi, I’m Jadah Sellner

I work with visionary women, just like you, who have a track record of success and want to create sustainable results.

It’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing to grow a business based on a dominant male culture which leads to overwhelm.

Working until you’re exhausted is NOT working. That’s why in the collective, we follow the Build with L.O.V.E. method to unlock your next level without burning out in the process. 

The Framework

Join a community where burnout is not an option.

In the Collective, you’ll have a built-in Support Squad to set up a strong foundation for growth, including:

> Clarifying your company vision, goals, and contribution

> Rebuilding your team to support a sustainable workflow

> Creating a clear plan and revenue model that increases profits

Rise above the frenetic pace of go-go-go.

  • Identify where to invest your time and energy to grow your company at a pace that supports your whole life, so you can have more space, joy, and freedom.
  • Stop putting out fires and instead build a foundationally strong business with more intention and ease, so you can relax.
  • Get consistent support and accountability to implement the strategies from She Builds with the author and collective advisors.


Now I’m in the position where I’m working 3 ½ hours a day. I’m working in a way that is actually generating revenue allowing me to be with my son and getting super laser sharp focused on exactly what actions I need to take.

NIKKI SILVESTRI, Speaker & Social Change Consultant

“I was burning my team out. We didn’t have systems in place that created a solid foundation. Jadah really guided me to have difficult conversations with my team and bring that structure in our experience. I’ve seen a market difference in how we operate and also their enjoyment and fulfillment in doing the work that we’re doing together.”

ALLIE VAN FOSSEN Founder, The Journey Junkie

“I’ve worked with Jadah a couple of times. The first time (we worked together) I had my biggest year in business. We doubled my income from $225,000 to $426,000 pounds.”

SUZY ASHWORTH, Quantum Transformation Coach

“Running free challenges has hands down been the absolute best thing I’ve done for my food blog! Not only has it grown my email list to over 45,000 and helped sell eBooks but it has grown an engaged community that I didn’t have before. Taking Jadah’s Build Your Challenge Course was so helpful and provided the framework I needed to plan and run my first challenge.”

DENISE BUSTARD, Founder of Sweet Peas & Saffron

The Details

Program: She Builds™ Collective for Creative CEOs & Founders

Duration: January 2024 – June 2024

Business Mentorship & In-Person Events:

  • Deep Dive Business Review. Based on your intake, we’ll create a clear roadmap for priorities and the next steps you need to take to grow your business.
  • (2) 2-Day Business Planning Retreat & Mastermind. Join a group of ambitious, creatively driven women in person, so you can see the bigger picture and expand what’s possible.

Community & Collaboration:

  • Monthly Mastermind and Coworking Calls. We’ll meet as a Brain Trust, lean into each other’s wisdom, and share what’s working in our industries. There will be a mix of hot seats for your business, “Ask Me Anything” Office Hours, and co-working for focus and accountability.
  • Monthly Mindset Calls. Led by my personal life coach, receive personalized emotional support in a safe space. Access tools for your most pressing roadblocks and resistance. During retreat months, you’ll receive support during our in-person gatherings.
  • Private Slack Group. Join The Collective water cooler to ask questions, share resources, and celebrate wins, so we can collaborate and learn together. Access your million-dollar Rolodex at your fingertips with an abundance of referrals to save you time.


Optional Upgrade to Private Support: 

  • (6) 50-minute Mentorship Calls. You’ll meet once a month with me to build your team, maximize revenue strategies, and solidify your vision for your company.
  • Private messaging support. Between calls and in-person events, reach out to me as a sounding board to receive personalized feedback and accountability.


Get access to your Holistic Support System to grow your business to the next level.

I was so blown away by how Jadah can see things. It’s her superpower. She has this way of seeing people, businesses, structures, ideas, visions, and synthesizing it all down.”

JULIE SANTIAGO, Founder of Awaken Your Life

“With Jadah’s guidance, I’ve achieved all my goals. All of them. I put them on paper and then she helped me do them and I did them. And so I’ll be forever grateful that I got to have this feeling and the success.”

MERI CHERRY, Founder of Meri Cherry Art Studio

“Jadah is a perfect blend of soul + strategy. She has a very grounding energy and after an hour of talking, I felt much calmer and more focused than when I started. She’s real and authentic – no BS.”

BRIGIT ESSELMONT, Founder of Biddy Tarot

“People said this was a big investment for so early in the company. I couldn’t think of anything more valuable to have spent the money on.”


The Collective is for you if...

  • You don’t feel like you fit in or belong. Maybe you’ve worked with mentors, coaches, or joined masterminds in the past and something felt off––either super “bro marketing” with all hustle and no heart, or too feminine “woo” with all sisterhood and no structure.
  • You’re looking for a safe space to be real. You’re always holding it all together for your team, your family, your customers––so you need an intimate vault to share what’s really going on without judgment from a community of women on the same path as you.
  • You want to shake loose any unconscious blocks. Whether you’re procrastinating on a big idea, or self-sabotage and self-doubt are trying to sneak into your energy field, you’re ready to release anything that will hold you back from your next level.
  • You don’t have the right support system. You’re a natural collaborator and love to verbally process your ideas and strategies out loud, so you need a strategic sounding board to stay focused and inspired.
  • You’re looking for integration. You know running a business takes work, but you want a healthy balance between focus and flow, effort and ease, strategy and space, intention and income, growth and grace, resilience and rest.
  • You’re generating multiple six- or seven-figures in annual revenue. You’re a seasoned entrepreneur who has been at this for many years and have a lot of wisdom to share and a lot you’d still like to learn.

If you want to go fast, go alone.

If you want to go far, go together.


African Proverb

Client results

  • Triple brick-and-mortar business to half a million in revenue in year one, reach $80k months in year three, and diversify income with online revenue streams
  • Build a cohesive leadership and middle management team that the founder could trust with 17 employees (and growing) through effective hiring and onboarding
  • Publish their first book and develop new product lines while growing e-commerce business from $1.5 to $3 million in one year
  • Delegate roles in the business that needed to get done, but didn’t need to get done by the founder to prepare for maternity leave while having $90k and $100k months
  • Create company values to optimize client acquisition & fulfillment, hiring, onboarding, and employee retention, so they could grow past a $2 million run rate
  • Grow email list organically from 700 to 45,000 subscribers using our unique community growth strategies and build a team and systems to help automate the process
  • Add an additional $191k revenue stream to their business using our proprietary Build Your Challenge™ system to grow online communities, subscribers, and clients.

Mentorship support

As a Business Advisor to visionary leaders, I help founders grow their companies and their reach. Using the Build with L.O.V.E. method, we implement people-first strategies to optimize marketing, customer experience, and team growth and retention.

As a founder, bestselling published author, TEDx speaker, and community growth strategist, I’m committed to helping companies reach more people, make a bigger impact, and support the next generation of visionaries to lead with love in business and life.

With experience as an entrepreneur for 15+ years, including building brick-and-mortar and online product-based companies, I know what it takes to fuel growth. I’ve built a community of 355,000 email subscribers, 400,000 Instagram followers, and 300,000 Facebook fans. I’ve spoken on stages with 3,000 people in the audience, and have been featured in Forbes, Oprah’s O Magazine, CBS’s The Doctors Show, Women’s World Magazine, and the Wall Street Journal.

Unlock your next level

Clear Vision

In order to make smart, strategic decisions in your business, you need a clear vision to move you forward. Together, we’ll prioritize the next steps you and your team need to execute over the next 90 days.

Custom Roadmap

You need to innovate, stand out from the crowded marketplace, and shake things up in your industry. You know a cookie-cutter plan isn’t going to work. Together, we create a personalized roadmap unique to your company’s needs.

Personal Feedback

With limited time, you need support when things come up. Our in-person planning retreats, mastermind meetings, and mindset calls help you get unstuck quickly with our collective advisors, so you can save money and minimize stress.

Clients are Creating Change
in their lives and the world

Rachelle grew her email list to over 50,000 subscribers and created a new online product for her community.

Julie doubled her revenue, grew her team, published her first book, and optimized systems inside her business.

Meggan hired two full-time employees, maxed out retirement IRAs, took time off for maternity leave and the company kept running.

Tamika scaled her 1-on-1 therapy practice into a team of 8 women of color therapists (and growing).

More Client Love…

“Jadah has helped me achieve some of my biggest goals for traffic, income, team building, and lifestyle, I couldn’t have done it without her guidance.”

KAREN GIFFORD, Creator of The Food Charlatan

“My results with Jadah astounded me. In one month, I launched a six-figure course. In my first call with Jadah, she unlocked a strategy that helped me earn $30,000 in two weeks and then led to a $160,000 course launch.”

AMBER RAE, Bestselling Author & Writing Mentor

“Jadah understands and wants me to feel successful, not for her, but for me. I felt so supported, so loved, so connected. It was by far the best business coaching experience I’ve ever had. And I’ve paid a lot of money to a lot of people to coach me in business.”

BRIANA BORTEN, Founder of The Dragontree Spas and Love Rising Collective
Take a deep breath.

Get ready to feel joy in your business, connected to your community, and present with your loved ones (without losing your money or your mind).



Here’s what to do next:

  1. Submit an application. Don’t overthink it, just write what’s true in this present moment. Click here to apply.
  2. Schedule a personal call with my team. My amazing right hand, Michele, will email you to find a perfect time for you to connect with us.
  3. Decide if you’re a FULL BODY “yes!” for the Collective. Once you’re in, Michele will follow up with your contract, payment details, and other onboarding materials.

In the meantime, please contact us with any questions or if you need additional assistance. We’re here to help!

Warm hugs,

If you’re unsure if you’re ready, that’s a sign that you should apply.*

*What I know about creative, ambitious, impact-driven women is they will put themselves and their needs at the bottom of their to-do list (and not even realize it).

There’s always a business deadline looming, a keynote presentation coming up, or you’re in the middle of hiring/firing/launching.

“Once I do this, then I’ll get the support I need/book the appointment/make time for rest.”  

Sound familiar? Apply even if you think this isn’t the right time. 🥰



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