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#BuildYourChallenge: WHO are you talking to?

Last time I shared how Simple Green Smoothies rocked out Instagram with No Comment Left Behind. Every single comment received a response, we shared consistent, helpful content and built a community of fans who were truly engaged.

But there has to be more to it, right? Well there was. It was getting specific with WHO we were talking to. Here’s the tip:

Don’t try to reach the masses. Talk to ONE person and you’ll draw in the right tribe. #RightVibeRightTribe

I’m sure you’ve heard how important it is to identify your ideal customer and create a customer avatar. And maybe you've written that off as just a theatrical “imagination” exercise. But Simple Green Smoothies is livin’ breathin’ proof that getting clear on who you're talking to works.

When dreaming up our dream customer –– Jen and I mixed the both of us together –– this artsy momma, who loves her children, loves to travel the world and still wants to pursue her dreams and do something that she’s super passionate about. We named her Dani.

Every article, every blog post, every Instagram post we shared, we always wrote to one person and that was Dani –– someone we were both excited to serve.

The crazy thing is a month after we did this exercise, we did a blender giveaway and one of the people that entered was Dani, DANI! Totally crazy right? She was a mom and a blogger. Finally! We were attracting the right group of women, our dream tribe. #kaleyeah. 🙂

There's so much power when you're clear on who you’re most excited to serve and being able to bring them into your world and actually know exactly who you're solving problems for.

Takeaway: Don’t try to serve and speak to everybody. Focus on talking to ONE person and you’ll attract the right tribe.

Warm Hugs,

P.S. So why does a challenge work? Check out my podcast interview on Pat Flynn's Smart Passive income to hear all the deets. Click the link below to listen!

How Simple Green Smoothies Used “Challenges” to Grow from 0 to 200K Subscribers in a Year 

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