
vision workshop

How to Amplify Your Dreams, Work with Clients You Love & Avoid Burnout



Discover the Power of Envisioning.

Build a plan for your big mission and vision in
less than 2 hours.


Tell me…

> Are you a CEO, Founder, or Entrepreneur who has too many things going on, too many ideas, and not enough time?

> Are you being pulled in a million directions and don’t know where to focus?

> If you’re really honest, you don’t know what’s happening in the next 6 months! Planning three years ahead just doesn’t seem possible right now.


If any of these things are true…
this workshop is for you.

Write Your Future Vision

with Clarity & Confidence

This workshop is a guided, self-paced journey to create your Future Vision (learn more in chapter 3 of my book She Builds: The Anti-Hustle Guide to Grow Your Business and Nourish Your Life).

You’ll Walk Away with a 3-year Vision for…


> Your Home Life: Envision where you’ll live, how you want to feel, and how you want to spend your time, and then, you’ll start creating the pathway to accomplish it.

Your Company:
Review your big-picture vision, connect to your “why,” and define your desired outcome.

Your Wellness: You’ll build a solid plan to grow your creative venture without overwhelm, exhaustion, and burnout.

Your Relationships:
You’ll design your business and life so that you have time for what matters most.

Your Contribution:
You’ll reflect on the wins you want to celebrate, both personally and in business, and how you will give back.

Your Vision Doula

Hi, I’m Jadah Sellner!

Jadah (rhymes with Prada). I’m a business coach, international keynote and TEDx speaker, poet, and host of the Lead with Love® podcast. I’m the author of She Builds and coauthor of Simple Green Smoothies, where over one million people have embraced this simple and healthy habit.

As the founder of Jadah Sellner Media, Inc. and She Builds Collective, I help women build their businesses and their lives in a way that works for them—with love. I have been featured in ForbesO, The Oprah Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal. Learn more at or follow me on social media at @jadahsellner

When I’m not speaking on stage, you can catch me dancing to Beyoncé in my living room or sipping on a Chai tea latte by a cozy fireplace. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband, daughter, and dog Beesly.

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