You deserve to

love your life


Are you avoiding the big a$$ elephant in the room?

Over the last few years of leading my own teams for my companies and coaching business leaders and their teams inside their companies, I’ve noticed there is one thing we resist the most.

It’s also the one thing that will change EVERYTHING, and that is…

…having hella hard conversations.

You know, the ones you'd really, really like to avoid.

Having uncomfortable conversations with people is truly the initiation to becoming a stronger leader.

It’s about speaking your truth without pretzeling yourself or asking anyone else to change.

It’s about leaning into criticism and feedback instead of resisting it.

It’s about diving into conflict head + heart first instead of avoiding the big a$$ elephant in the room. 🐘

How to Have Hard Conversations, Lean Into Conflict & Reframe Criticism

“A stranger or your enemy is just someone whose story you don't know yet, because we all have stories.”


As a leader, how do you commit to having hard, uncomfortable conversations that deepen connection and trust within your company and your home?

If you want an environment that is safe for communication, creativity and problem-solving along with the giving and receiving constructive feedback, whether at work or with your family, then this episode is for you.

In this episode I get cozy with Lynne Maureen Hurdle.

Lynne Hurdle is an executive coach, communication expert and conflict resolution strategist. She’s also a facilitator, speaker, and author with over 35 years of experience in blending the connection between communication, conflict and culture into a unique style of engagement for leaders.

She’s the author of the best seller book, Closing Conflict for Leaders: How to Be a Bold Leader and Develop a Kick-Ass, High-Functioning, Happy AF Team.

She teaches leaders the skills to engage skillfully, confidently, and powerfully in everything from daily conversations to the most difficult conflict situations.

She passionately writes about Breaking Culture: Conflict and Cultural Breakthroughs for Psychology Today. She has delivered her unique trainings, workshops and deep coaching to leaders from Harlem to Hong Kong and from the South Bronx to South Africa.

What you'll hear (and don't want to miss!):

  • The traumatic event that inspired Lynne to focus on her work to become an expert conflict resolution strategist
  • The way that Lynne defines racial bias, and how this concept relates to conflict resolution
  • The work that helps leaders to increase their awareness and dissolve any biases
  • A way to respond to conflict and what happens when we don’t communicate with intention
  • What founders can do to initiate a new way of being inside the company by using regular communication rhythms
  • How to reframe criticism, and lean into it, instead of resisting it

FIND full show notes here:

Check out the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music (or wherever you listen to podcasts). As you’re listening, take a screenshot, share your favorite takeaway and tag me on Instagram and Facebook with #leadwithlovepodcast.

Warm hugs,

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