You deserve to

love your life


do this before you unplug for your vacation

Are you ready to play and fully enjoy this summer with intention?

If you've been working hard these last few months, now is the perfect time to slow down and be present with loved ones, even for just a few days.  

But you have to communicate that you're taking time off and guard your time, so you actually REST. 

This month I reminded my clients who are a part of She Builds Collective (you can learn all about it here and apply for our next cohort starting in September!) to set up their autoreply email, so they can turn their work brains off and step away from their laptops and not respond to any emails. 

Communicating this boundary is more for you than for anyone else. 

When we communicate our unavailability clearly, we give ourselves permission to not check email or feel the need to respond promptly. 

I chose the dates for my out-of-office email to be active from July 1st through July 8th while my family and I check out some colleges along the California coast (because Zoe is a rising senior in high school –– how did that happen?!).  

I share my out-of-office email below. 

Feel free to copy and paste and make it your own! I also have an example on page 116 of my book, She Builds


Subject: I’m unplugging…


I'm unplugged for the summer break with my family, so I can nourish myself, and show up fully recharged. 

I'll respond to priority emails on July 9th or later. If this is not urgent, please follow-up and resend your email after that date.

Of course if you're a close family member, a friend, or a part of my dream team, you know the best way to reach me with burning questions + love notes.

And if you're a client and need immediate support, please reach out to my amazing right hand, Michele at

In the meantime, enjoy a recent Lead with Love® Podcast episode and grab or gift a copy of my book, She Builds: The Anti-Hustle Guide to Grow Your Business and Nourish Your Life

Here's to making dreams come true without distractions!

Warm hugs,


Reply to this email and let me know if you decide to set up an autoreply message for a future vacation, so you can fully unplug! 

I hope you have a beautiful, restful break no matter what season of life you’re in. Sending you lots of love! 

Warm hugs,

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