You deserve to

love your life


Wanna know my favorite way to get things done?

It has to do with warm bodies 👭 and tomatoes 🍅

Let me explain…

When you run a business, team, and household, you have two things to balance –– your family and your business goals.

You NEED structure to focus on what matters most. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself distracted by a messy house, dirty laundry or stuck in research mode without actually doing anything.

It’s super easy for me to get off track especially when I travel and have a break in my regular routine. When I get back home, I have to do a reset and it takes a few days before I get back in my groove.

What helps me the most is having a warm body. Someone to hold me accountable to make sure I do what I said I was going to do.

In this FB live, I chat with you on my 1.5 mile walk to meet up with my warm body. 🙂 A friend who I’ve made an in-person co-working date with.

A few tips to help you focus and get work that matters DONE:

1) Get a partner if you’re stuck or feel resistance to completing a certain task (this can be in-person at a coffee shop, or even virtually on a video call like Zoom –– I do both!)

2) Tell someone what you plan to do and when you’ll do it, so that they hold you accountable and can check in to see if you did it.

3) Carve out a 2 hour block of time to get some work done in your business. I like to use the Productivity Planner to do my work in 25-minute Pomodoro work sprints (Pomodoro means “tomato” in Italian). Set the timer for 25 minutes, focus on one task, and when the timer is up, take a 5-minute break before you start working again.

This is exactly the process I teach the women in my Love Over Metrics™ Business Growth Incubator. Warm bodies and tomatoes is how we roll.

Now it’s your turn! What 25-minute task would you love for someone to hold you accountable to? Setup a co-working day (virtual or in-person) with someone this week. Let me know how it goes by commenting over in this post.

Warm hugs,

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