She Builds

90 Day Advisory

Visionary Leaders Become Thriving Business Owners

Dear Visionary Leader

You’re up to big things in the world.

Your business is in a season of growth and expansion.

You’ve built a business that’s making great money and delivers excellent results.

Now you’re ready to build on that momentum to reach even more people and increase profits without adding more to your plate.

  • You’re well known and trusted in your industry.
  • You’re driven by creativity, freedom and social change.
  • You disrupt the status quo in business and life and sometimes feel like the weirdo/misfit in your entrepreneurial crew.

You may be asking yourself, “Did I sneak into this founders party?” (because when people zig, you zag). You also know there’s something more that you’re ready to share in a bigger way to expand your company’s brand – through writing books, traditional media, and on stages that will make your business stand out. #globalreach #TEDtalk #heyOprah

The only problem is you’re doing more than ever.

You’re trying to keep up with the demand, but you get bogged down in day-to-day tasks. You have a team to lead, fires to put out, projects to review, big decisions to make on a daily basis. The open space in your calendar to create, ideate, and fully tap into your zone of genius feels non-existent.

Everyone needs a piece of you, ALL-OF-THE-TIME.

On days like this, you’d like to hang up your CEO hat, binge watch hours of Netflix, and eat all the cheese and cupcakes. #nojudgement

I know what it’s like to be committed to a vision bigger than yourself. It’s all time-consuming.

And honestly, the work is never done.

The train just keeps moving forward.

And the weight of the responsibility and constant flood of opportunities can take you away from why you started a business in the first place.

You may have hit a plateau because you’re contemplating what to do next.

That’s the founder’s dilemma –– when you straddle between how to strategize, systemize and optimize the growth of your business.

You never stop thinking about your business, your team, and the community you serve. You care that much.

Let’s stop for a moment:

> When was the last time you paused to celebrate all that you’ve built?

> Taken the time to reflect on what’s actually working?

> What’s slowing the train down or is no longer essential?

> And do you have the right team in the right roles to accelerate the growth you envision?

In the pause is where you’ll unlock your next level of growth.

Your mind is always running a million miles a minute…

“How do I lead my team, keep them inspired, and efficient in execution without company drama and conflict?”

“Am I an irresponsible business owner for thinking I can change the world and follow my big dreams and take time off to travel and have fun?”

“Will this last? How do I make this business sustainable and not burn out?

“Can I reach and impact millions and stay grounded and in alignment with my values and strengths?”

“I don’t want to eff this up. What are my next steps?”

Hi, I’m Jadah Sellner

I work with visionary women, just like you, who have a track record of success, and are ready to grow their business at a pace for impact and sustainability.

It’s really easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing to achieve success. You start to think the only way to make the impact you want to make is to work harder and longer than anyone else. #NotTrue

Working until you’re exhausted where you have nothing left to give is NOT how you get ahead and make a difference.

To unlock your next level in growth, you need to connect to your next level vision.

If you want to go fast, go alone.

If you want to go far, go together.


African Proverb

This means asking for help outside of your business eco-system, so you don’t have to figure it out all yourself.

With a trusted advisor, thought partner, and a safe place to process the highs and lows that only founders could understand, you can amplify your business, simplify your life, and create more freedom.

Burnout is not an option when you’re here to help more people.

It’s time to get clarity on your next level vision, so you can fully optimize this season of growth and expansion.

Imagine having the support to get you through the toughest decisions you have to make in your business, so you can have more mental space and free time to be present with the people that matter the most… your family, your friends, and especially yourself.

I’ve created, She Builds™ Advisory, a private one-on-one program dedicated to visionary business leaders like you, so that you can connect to your bigger vision, reach more people, support your family, serve the world, and increase your profits while NOT adding more work for you. You deserve to see your business thriving, have strong relationships, and feel joy and meaning in your life.

The She Builds™ Advisory team and I have seen our clients…

  • Triple brick and mortar business to half million in revenue in year one, reach $80k months in year three, and diversify income with online revenue streams
  • Build a cohesive leadership and middle management team that the founder could trust with 17 employees (and growing) through effective hiring and onboarding
  • Publish their first book, develop new product lines while growing e-commerce business from $1.5 to $3 million in one year
  • Delegate roles in the business that needed to get done, but didn’t need to get done by the founder to prepare for maternity leave while having $90k and $100k months
  • Create company values to optimize client acquisition & fulfillment, hiring, onboarding and employee retention, so they could grow past a $2 million run rate
  • Grow email list organically from 700 to 45,000 subscribers using our unique community growth strategies and build team and systems to help automate the process
  • Add an additional $191k revenue stream to their business using our proprietary Build Your Challenge™ system to grow online communities, subscribers, and clients.

Client Love…

Now I’m in the position where I’m working 3 ½ hours a day. I’m working in a way that is actually generating revenue allowing me to be with my son and getting super laser sharp focused on exactly what actions I need to take.

NIKKI SILVESTRI, Speaker & Social Change Consultant

I was so blown away by how Jadah can see things. It’s her superpower. She has this way of seeing people, businesses, structures, ideas, visions, and synthesizing it all down.”

JULIE SANTIAGO, Founder of Awaken Your Life

“I always looked forward to talking to Jadah because I would leave the call more peaceful with a clear direction as to where I needed to go and what I needed to focus on.  I don’t even know what to call her because she’s so much…like a business godmother.”

ABBY WALKER, CEO of Vivian Lou

I feel clear about how to set goals and achieve them, how to work through my own personal obstacles, how to find the right people, and how to identify the A-players for my team.”

MEGGAN HILL, Executive Chef and Founder of Culinary Hill

“Oh so many wins. I’ve given paid keynote addresses. I’ve been flown to speak and present at startup weeks and workshops in other States. I’ve signed multiple clients for five figure contracts. I say this, and I don’t say it lightly. It was a total transformation for me.”

LA'KITA WILLIAMS Founder of CoCreate Work

“I hesitated a little at the cost because it was an investment, but after just renewing for my 3rd stretch of coaching with her, it’s the best money I’ve spent.”

Denise Bustard, Founder of Sweet Peas & Saffron

She Builds™ Advisory will…

> Increase your focus and productivity, so you can work on the right projects at the right time (no more wasting time on a hamster wheel of busy work)

> Give you clarity and confidence to grow your business in a way that feels aligned with your vision, your team, and pursue the most impactful opportunities

> Expand your ability to lead with love in business without sacrificing profit, compromising your health, or putting important relationships on the back burner

As a Business Advisor to visionary leaders, I help founders grow their companies and their reach. Using the Scale with L.O.V.E. method, we implement people first strategies to optimize marketing, customer experience and team growth and retention.

As a founder, bestselling published author, TEDx speaker, and community growth strategist, I’m committed to help companies reach more people, make a bigger impact, and support the next generation of visionaries to lead with love in business and life.

With experience as an entrepreneur for 11+ years, including building a brick & mortar and online product-based companies, I know what it takes to build a business that fuels growth. My experience includes building a community of over 355,000 email subscribers, 400,000+ Instagram followers, 300,000+ Facebook fans, speaking on stages with up to 3,000 people in the audience, writing a bestselling book. I’ve also been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Oprah’s O Magazine, CBS’s The Doctors Show, Women’s World Magazine, and the Wall Street Journal.

A counter-intuitive approach to business growth…

Often times, I invite clients to cut revenue streams in their business and let go of team members, and the results are… their profit and happiness grows.

You’ll have a safe space to celebrate and acknowledge what’s going right, so your company can maximize growth, and eliminate what’s no longer working.

You’ll connect to a deeper why behind your work, which will shift how you lead and show up for your team, your customers and the world.

Here’s the thing: you can’t read the label from inside the jar.

To unlock that next level vision, you need the support of a trusted business advisor, so you can maintain the momentum of growth and expansion.

The Build with L.O.V.E. Method + business consulting style is not for every founder. But for those who want to feel more creativity, innovation, and excitement, you’ll feel right at home. Get ready for endless opportunities for your team, your clients, and your community.

Most of my clients stay with me for 3+ years because they create mindset shifts as a leader and accelerated growth in their business. I’m the founder’s secret weapon to freedom and sustainability.

Here’s how we’ll work together to unlock next level growth in your business:

She Builds™ Advisory will grow your business

Clear Vision

In order to make smart, strategic decisions in your business, you need a clear vision to move you forward. Together, we’ll create a unique plan for your business. Then prioritize the next steps you and your team need to execute over the next 90 days.

Custom Roadmap

You want to innovate, stand out from the crowded marketplace, and shake things up in your industry. You know a cookie-cutter plan is not going to work. Together, we create a personalized roadmap to identify blind spots and grow your business.

Personal Feedback

Your time is limited and valuable, and you need support when things come up. Between our scheduled strategy calls, you can send a voice message to get quick questions answered. You receive real-time feedback when it counts in your business.

For Visionary Founders

This is for you if…

  • You have happy customers who believe in your products and your business generates $500K to $5M+ in revenue annually (or projected to hit that in the next 12 months).
  • You’re committed to building a business that does not compromise your health or your relationships.
  • Leading with love doesn’t feel weird/wacky/woo to you. You understand your personal responsibility as a leader to align people, purpose, and profits.
  • You want to work on your business, not in it. You have a team to help you with day-to-day business support and help you execute your strategic vision.

Clients are Creating Change
in their lives and the world

Rachelle grew her email list to over 50,000 subscribers and created a new online product for her community.

Julie doubled her revenue, grew her team, published her first book, and optimized systems inside her business.

Meggan hired two full-time employees, maxed out retirement IRAs, took time off for maternity leave and the company kept running.

Tamika scaled her 1-on-1 therapy practice into a team of 5 women of color therapists (and growing).

The Details

She Builds™ Advisory is your confidential think tank, so you stay focused on what matters the most. During our time together you’ll stop over-analyzing decisions and feel less overwhelmed, so you can feel more centered and grounded in the business decisions you have to make on a daily basis.

This process is collaborative and in our time together you will feel lighter, more confident, and have more clarity for your next steps.


What’s Included: 

  • (1) Deep Dive Business Questionnaire + Private Strategy Session with Jadah to create a clear roadmap for priorities and next steps to grow your business (up to 2 hours).
  • (5) 50-minute CEO Strategy Session Calls, to dig deep into your business, your team, marketing strategies, and vision for your company.
  • Private messaging support between calls when you need to identify blind spots, choose the most impactful opportunities, and maintain momentum in your business throughout our time together.
  • Build Your Challenge E-Course, learn how to grow an engaged community and email list with a challenge. This is the exact process I used to grow my email from 2,000 – 200,000 subscribers in 12 months.

More Client Love…

“I always looked forward to talking to Jadah because I would leave the call more peaceful with a clear direction as to where I needed to go and what I needed to focus on.  I don’t even know what to call her because she’s so much…like a business godmother.”

ABBY WALKER, CEO of Vivian Lou

“Jadah understands and wants me to feel successful, not for her, but for me. I felt so supported, so loved, so connected. It was by far the best business coaching experience I’ve ever had. And I’ve paid a lot of money to a lot of people to coach me in business.”

BRIANA BORTEN, Founder of The Dragontree Spas and Love Rising Collective

“I was burning my team out. We didn’t have systems in place that created a solid foundation. Jadah really guided me to have difficult conversations with my team and bring that structure in our experience. I’ve seen a market difference in how we operate and also their enjoyment and fulfillment in doing the work that we’re doing together.”

ALLIE VAN FOSSEN Founder, The Journey Junkie
Take a deep breath.

Unlock the next level of growth and expansion.

In She Builds™ Advisory, you’ll feel more connected to your community, more in love with your business, and more present with your loved ones.



She Builds Advisory is designed for business owners who are generating $500K to $5 million+ per year (or projected to hit that in the next 12-18 months). The investment is $7,500 for 3 months (payment plan options available). I only take on eight clients at a time, and openings to work with me at this level are limited.

Please complete the application. Once we receive your application, my amazing right hand, Michele, will reach out to you to schedule a personal call with me, so we can make sure this is the right next step for your business and personal growth.

I look forward to getting to know you, your business, and your dreams.

Warm hugs,

Now I’m in the position where I’m working 3 ½ hours a day. I’m working in a way that is actually generating revenue allowing me to be with my son and getting super laser sharp focused on exactly what actions I need to take.

NIKKI SILVESTRI, Speaker & Social Change Consultant

“I’ve worked with Jadah a couple of times. The first time (we worked together) I had my biggest year in business. We doubled my income from $225,000 to $426,000 pounds.”

SUZY ASHWORTH, Quantum Transformation Coach

“With Jadah’s guidance, I’ve achieved all my goals. All of them. I put them on paper and then she helped me do them and I did them. And so I’ll be forever grateful that I got to have this feeling and the success.”

MERI CHERRY, Founder of Meri Cherry Art Studio
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